Mold Maintenance
IceTech dry ice blasting has helped the automotive industry conquer a variety of cleaning tasks, including the typical downtime associated with cleaning moulds. Dry ice blasting allows operators to clean moulds while they are still hot and in the press. IceTech dry ice blasting has reduced downtime by up to 80% when cleaning permanent aluminium moulds, blow moulds, compression moulds, injection and tyre moulds.
Weld Lines
While welding is the most cost effective and efficient way to join metals permanently, the downtime associated with cleaning can overshadow the benefits of the process. General practices like scraping and wire brushing are tedious and can lead to a need for the replacement of parts and machinery. Both methods can cause damage to delicate components. Wire brushing often leaves brush particles behind, which has a negative effect on product quality.
Removing weld slag is a key component in cleaning robotic weld cells. This application requires heavy dry ice blasting, which is best executed with an IceTech round nozzle. When removing weld slag from delicate components it is important to utilize the right equipment to avoid damaging sensors and other sensitive parts. By pairing the IceTech IceSplitter with a flat nozzle, damage due to cleaning is eliminated.
Paint Lines
In order to insure a quality product, surface preparation before paint is a necessity. Dry ice blasting is the ideal cleaning solution for surface prep because it allows parts to be cleaned quickly and efficiently. A dry ice blasting system is the preferred solution for paint preparation because it allows for the removal of contamination without damage or change to the surface. Dry ice cleaning is a non-abrasive cleaning method without any leftover cleaning media. As a completely dry process, paint can be applied immediately to parts after being cleaned.
Automated dry ice blasting systems provide a uniform clean each time that helps to insure a quality clean that reduces rejected parts. With the integration of an automated dry ice blasting system within the production line, the automotive industry is seeing further reductions in downtime, improvements in part quality, as well as a quicker ROI.